Author: Anthony Magness

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Author: Anthony Magness
ETHOS 30 EBook 
Prepare to Elevate Your ETHOS!


Laura Brown
"Anthony brilliantly highlights a concept that is often overlooked but fundamental to achieving success: the importance of personal character. He argues that success isn't just about skills or opportunities but is deeply rooted in the values and integrity one upholds. This insight resonated with me so much that I had to read the book twice to fully absorb its depth. A must-read for anyone seeking a meaningful and lasting path to success."
Dan Gordon Enterprises
"As a business coach, I’ve read my fair share of books on success, but Anthony's work offers a refreshing perspective that truly resonated with me. He emphasizes that the key to long-term success lies not in mastering techniques or leveraging opportunities, but in cultivating personal character. In a field where ambition and results often take center stage, Anthony’s focus on integrity, resilience, and authenticity as foundational elements of leadership is both timely and necessary. His insights have prompted me to reflect on my own coaching approach and reinforced the importance of character development in achieving meaningful success. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone striving to lead with purpose and build a business that lasts."
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by Anthony Magness

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